

The following profiles provide insights into study in Indonesia through the experiences of a number of students. If you have any questions for the following members of our network, comment on the relevant blog post and we will try to provide the appropriate information based on our experiences. IndoSTUDY is a branch of Equal Student Exchange (ESE).

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Matt K.
Home University: La Trobe University, Bundoora Campus, Melbourne, Australia
Indonesian University: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogykarta
Course of study: Degree in Asian Studies (Indonesian)
DurationFull-year student exchange in immersion (self-organized)
Source of funding: Part-time work, university support (mobility grant) and scholarships (DEEWR+Darmasiswa)

What did you enjoy most about studying in Indonesia?
The experience of living in Indonesia while also studying there was absolutely amazing. I enjoyed studying in Indonesia because it became a lifestyle. I met excellent friends, ate delicious foods and studied in one of the most beautiful countries on earth.

Why do you recommend studying in Yogyakarta / at UGM?
Yogyakarta is a city that is full of students. It's easy to meet people and make friends. Universitas Gadjah Mada was a really nice university with a large range of subjects and courses. The city is within an hour of some beautiful beaches, next to an awesome volcano and filled with culture, art and crafts. The people in Yogyakarta are friendly and caring.  

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